Best Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension: Making Connections, Summarizing, and Questioning, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORM1]
In this course national trainer Mary Beth Allen and other experienced primary-grade educators use research-based, classroom-proven strategies and activities to strengthen young students' reading comprehension. Teachers explain, model, and actively engage diverse groups of students with questions and prompts during read-aloud, shared reading, and guided reading lessons.
Best Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension: Predicting and Inferring, Visualizing, and Determining Important Content in Informational Text, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORM2]
In this course national trainer Mary Beth Allen and other experienced primary-grade educators use research-based, classroom-proven strategies and activities to strengthen young students' reading comprehension. Teachers provide explicit instruction on predicting and inferring, visualizing, and determining the important content in informational text during read-aloud, shared reading, and guided reading lessons.
Catching Up Students Who’ve Fallen Behind in Reading or Writing, Grades 3-5 - Online Course [OHCY]
This online course features Kelly Harmon, an experienced literacy teacher, instructional coach and national presenter.
Catching Up Your English Language Learners Who Have Fallen Behind, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OECM]
Catch up your English Language Learners. Improve students’ grammar and vocabulary. Accelerate student learning. Provide support for English Language Learners. Backed by experience and research.
Comprehension Strategies That Help Your Struggling Students Be More Successful Readers, Grades 2-5 - Online Course [OCSH]
In this online, video-based course, Linda Hoyt, a recognized expert in the field of reading, demonstrates outstanding comprehension strategies with groups of children, grades 2-5.
DYSLEXIA - Help Children Who Struggle to Successfully Read, Write and Spell, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OHDW]
This online course features special education teacher, author and national trainer Mark Weakland as he shares strategies and techniques to help students who present as dyslexic.
Dyslexia: Best Strategies to Increase Student Success, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OHD1]
Best strategies for dyslexia. How to better support students with dyslexia. Increase student success. Help students gain reading fluency. Backed by experience and research.
Dyslexia: Best Targeted Interventions for Greater Literacy Success, Grades K-6 - Online Curse [OHDZ]
How to better support students with dyslexia. Best targeted interventions for greater literacy success. Help students gain reading fluency. Backed by experience and research.
Early Intervention Strategies for Students Struggling with Reading Accuracy and Fluency, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORIW]
Early intervention focused on foundational reading skills is vital to the development of struggling readers in grades K-2. In this online learning course, teachers demonstrate small-group intervention strategies and techniques for improving reading accuracy and fluency — two key attributes of proficient readers. You will see a wealth of strategies that can easily be implemented in any approach to reading instruction to help students meet grade level reading standards.
Early Intervention Strategies for Students Struggling with Reading Comprehension, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORIC]
This online learning course focuses on practical, easy-to-implement intervention strategies for strengthening children's understanding of what they are reading – all in the highly supportive context of small group instruction. Filmed in primary grade classrooms, students will see teachers demonstrate strategies ideal for increasing the comprehension of struggling readers in any approach to reading instruction.
Guided Reading: DIFFERENTIATING Using Small Group Instruction, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORGZ]
This online course features literacy coach and national reading expert, Judy Lynch as she shares strategies to differentiate guiding reading during small group instruction.
Helping Your Struggling Readers Become More Successful Readers: Targeted Interventions that Work! Grades K-5 - Online Course [OHIL]
This online course features reading specialist and national presenter Kristen Large as she shares targeted intervention strategies to help struggling readers. The course includes the following topics: assessing students, early literacy, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency.
Improving Your Students' Descriptive Writing, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OWDL]
In this video-based online course, experienced national presenter and English teacher Mary Ellen Ledbetter demonstrates, with her own middle and high school students, a variety of practical and manageable strategies that help students extend and revise their writing, improve their grammar and writing mechanics, and increase the sophistication and style of their written work.
Increase All Your Students' Learning with Practical, Timesaving Work Stations, Grades Pre-K and Kindergarten - Online Course [OQCM]
This on demand, online course is organized around video clips of a seminar by experienced teacher, national trainer and author Carolyn McMahon. You'll learn how to incorporate interactive, hands-on and minds-on lessons, practical work stations and a variety of resources in literacy and math designed to enhance the learning of young children in PreK and Kindergarten.
Instructional Strategies for Guided Reading that Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [ORGH]
This video-based online course includes demonstrations of six powerful instructional strategies that are ideally suited to guided reading in grades 3-6. These strategies focus students’ attention on key concepts, important details, and underlying themes in text. Some of the strategies can be used by students in their independent reading; some are designed to help teachers enrich students’ encounters with challenging text.
Interactive Vocabulary Strategies That Boost Student Learning and Achievement, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OVDB]
Directly teaching vocabulary improves reading comprehension and increases subject area achievement. This course takes you inside classrooms, grades 6-12, where teachers are using highly engaging instructional strategies to help students commit vocabulary to long-term memory and deepen their understanding of course content.
MAKERSPACES: Creating Motivating, Engaging Work Spaces for Your Library, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OBMX]
This online course features award-winning librarian and national presenter, Tricia Kuon, as she defines, explains and demonstrates Makerspaces.
Maximizing the Active Participation and Language Learning of ELL Students Using Read Aloud, Shared Reading and Word Work, Grades K-5 - Online Course [OEVB]
This high-energy course demonstrates how to enhance the language and literacy growth of English language learners within whole group lessons and activities. Teachers demonstrate how to increase the participation of second language learners and infuse whole class literacy lessons with visual, tactile and kinesthetic strategies that engage all students.
Maximizing the Benefits of Literacy Centers: Meaningful Activities that Boost Reading and Writing, Grades K-3 - Online Course [ORCH]
In this course, you will see a wealth of activities and ideas "in action" within K-3 classrooms. Literacy center expert Linda Holliman explains and demonstrates practical ways to manage center work and greatly increase the value of students' independent literacy time.
Meaningful Independent Literacy Centers and Activities to Keep Students Learning While You Teach Reading Groups, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [ORSD]
This online course takes viewers inside three schools where intermediate students are actively engaged in a wide variety of independent literacy-building activities as part of a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction. Far from "busy work," meaningful centers and assignments are ideally suited to learners in grades three through six.
Practical Strategies that Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [ORA2]
This video-based, On Demand Online course is a rich resource of comprehension strategies for teachers and students in grades 3-6. The strategies demonstrated and described in the course help intermediate students develop six key comprehension processes: previewing, making connections, self-monitoring, inferring, visualizing, and summarizing.
Response to Intervention: Strengthening Your Tier 2 Interventions with Struggling Readers, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OXR2]
RTI Tier 2 interventions supplement core classroom reading instruction and accelerate the learning progress of struggling readers. This course demonstrates how three different schools have organized Tier 2 intervention cycles to meet student needs, capitalize on the strengths of their instructional staffs, and make best use of available resources.
Strategies for Increasing Your Students' Reading Fluency, Grades 1-3 - Online Course [ORFM]
This course will help you implement a wide variety of fluency-boosting lessons, strategies, and activities for primary-grade students. You’ll see experienced primary teachers working directly with young students, demonstrating ways to improve children’s reading rate, expression, phrasing, and intonation.
Strengthening Students’ Writing Skills While Decreasing Grading Time, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OWSC]
How to decrease grading time. Best strategies for English/language arts teachers. How to improve students’ writing skills. Improve students’ writing. Using AI in students’ writing. Backed by experience and research.
Using a Six-Trait Model to Extend Students Writing, Grades K-2 - Online Course [OWSB]
In this course you'll observe children in grades K-2 classrooms in the spring of the year as teachers support and scaffold their writing development using the six traits of effective writing. These young authors began writing on the very first day of school and have been participating every day in writing workshop and six trait writing activities and lessons.
Using a Six-Trait Model to Launch Students as Writers, Grades K-2 - Online Course [OWLB]
In this course you'll see teachers guiding primary-grade students' writing (and drawing) at the very beginning of the school year. The instructional focus is on three foundational writing traits: ideas, organization and conventions
Using Guided Reading to Strengthen Students' Reading Skills at the Developing Level, Grades 1-3 - Online Course [ORG2]
Growing literacy learners need a guided reading format that addresses their increasing capability and capacity for reading independence. In this online course two outstanding teachers and guided reading practitioners provide models, explanations, and suggestions for moving students from emergent level reading instruction into guided reading lessons and activities more appropriate to young, developing literacy learners
Using Guided Reading to Strengthen Students' Reading Skills at the Fluent Level, Grades 1-3 - Online Course [ORG3]
As children progress to near-fluent and fluent levels of literacy, they continue to reap great benefits from the structure and support that guided reading provides. In this course, you'll see how young readers are able to strengthen their fluency, comprehension, and higher-level thinking skills over a wide variety of text, both fiction and nonfiction in small, flexible guided reading groups.
Using Guided Reading to Strengthen Students’ Reading Skills, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [ORGS]
In this course you will see experienced intermediate grade level teachers working with guided reading groups to increase students' literacy growth and deepen their understanding of text. You'll see how guided reading uniquely combines the critical attributes of small group instruction and one-on-one coaching to move students forward as readers.
Using Six-Trait Mini-Lessons to Strengthen Students' Writing, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [OW6L]
This outstanding course demonstrates a variety of engaging six-trait mini-lessons in intermediate classrooms. The strategies in this program will help you deepen students' understanding of the components of good writing and extend their writing skills.