SLPs: Language Disorders vs Language Differences for ELLs, Grades P-12

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

This online course features Nancy Friday, a highly skilled speech-language pathologist and national presenter.  The course is divided into three modules. The first module provides a background on English Language Learners (ELLs), highlighting the differences between bilingual and monolingual students and offering best practices for supporting ELLs. The second module presents a four-quadrant approach for language assessment, and in the final module, Nancy demonstrates how to utilize that assessment data to differentiate language disorders from language differences.

You will learn how to:

  • Differentiate between a language disorder and a language difference
  • Administer standardized assessments as well as informative non-standardized assessments
  • Discern facts from myths regarding second language acquisition
  • Explain how an ELLs' morphology and syntax interplays with their academic performance
  • Apply techniques to enhance engagement and active participation during therapy
  • Utilize language therapy techniques and methods to embrace ELLs

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDEU 9070

Optional Professional Organization CEUs

Optional Professional Organization CEUs are available for this course.


Click here for more information.

ASHA-Required Disclosure Statement for Nancy Friday:
Financial: Consultant for the Bureau of Education & Research and receives honorarium compensation.  
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.


"Very helpful I appreciate the activity examples to be applied in therapy and distinguishing between difference and delay."
              - T. Wagner

"I learned a lot about assessing and supporting EL with this course and am walking away with ideas and resources I can start using right away."
              - M. Rehmel

"Outstanding information!! I felt well equipped with resources.  The handbook was extremely well written and easy to follow along to the videos."
              - G. Telepak

"This course is loaded with helpful information and tools! I have so many students who can benefit from my new knowledge."
              - A. Christopher


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