Practical Strategies for Differentiating Instruction: Making the Most of Student Choice and Small Instructional Groups, Grades 3-6

Online Course

See Reviews

Course Objective/Goals

This video-based professional development course takes a look inside intermediate-grade classrooms where teachers and children are engaged in differentiated learning activities in core subject areas. Experienced teachers demonstrate classroom-proven strategies and activities designed to support differentiation, maximize student achievement across academic areas using choice options and enhance students' learning using small flexible groups.

Differentiated instruction enables teachers to address intermediate grade students' learning needs and move them forward as thinkers and learners. This course focuses on identifying key elements of a supportive classroom environment, incorporating meaningful student choices, clarifying essential curriculum concepts, assessing learning readiness and differentiating with small flexible groups.

You will learn how to:

  • Establish four key classroom characteristics that facilitate differentiation
  • Develop meaningful choices for independent practice, lesson assignments and projects
  • Maximize the benefits of small, flexible instructional groups to scaffold and extend student learning in reading and math
  • Quickly and accurately assess students’ skills and understandings
  • Increase student achievement, time on task and positive attitude towards learning

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDDU 9151


"This was a great course! I loved the videos because they showed real teachers in real classrooms. It's good to see the ideas in use. I am confident that I will be a better teacher this year because of the practical practices taught in this course."
- K. Seeger

"What a great forum to learn from. I appreciated being able to see things happen, have samples to look at, as well as eview when needed. Thank You!"
- K. Schoebel

"This was a great course. I hope to come back to the content as much as possible."
- K. Baird

"One of the best online classs I have ever taken."
- E. King

"I enjoyed watching this video, it was very helpful and easy to navigate and stop and play as I needed. I have been wanting to try math groups, I now have a plan on what I am going to do!"
- R. Oplotnik

"Loved being able to work on this at my own pace and in a short amount of time."
- H. Morrissette


System Requirements
