Increase Students' MINDFULNESS: Strengthen Your Students' Academic Success and Confidence While Reducing Disruptive Behaviors, Grades K-12

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

This online course features experienced teacher and national presenter, Kristin Burke as she shares strategies and techniques to increase students' mindfulness. The course provides an overview of mindfulness, mindful activities and how to best introduce it to students. It also includes practical strategies and techniques on how to improve student's behavior by implementing easy-to-adapt mindful practices. There is also a focus on breathing techniques – how to practice simple but extremely effective breathing techniques to help students reduce their anxiety and increase their learning. Finally, the course concludes by highlighting movement, its importance, and provides dozens of movement strategies to help students stay focused and maximize their learning. Additional digital resources, activities, handouts, and examples are included.  

You will learn how to:

  • Introduce mindfulness practice with your students and explain its purpose and effectiveness
  • Help your students maximize their learning by teaching them simple strategies that help them re-focus, re-energize and maintain mindfulness throughout their school day
  • Create classroom routines that increase mindfulness, focus, and improve overall learning
  • Use mindfulness strategies to maximize learning time and engagement
  • Apply mindfulness strategies into your existing routines
  • Decrease negative behavior when it's a result of students' anxiety or restlessness
  • Include mindfulness strategies into your classroom transitions to help students be ready to learn during any part of the school day

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDDU 9535


"WOW! Wonderful content. So many takeaways! "

              - R. Roper

"Loved this course. I plan to use many of the strategies in class next year. I am a French teacher  so I am thinking about how to incorporate French into my instructions."

              - K. Johnson

"I was not expecting this content to teach mindfulness to students  but after completing the course I understand why it works and I'm excited to incorporate some of these practices into my classroom."

              - R. Manduchi


              - A. Beverley


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