Name | Price | |
Strengthen Your Math Instruction with Strategies from Singapore, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OMSZ] The video in this course is from a live seminar by Jeff Stenroos, an experienced educator, classroom teacher and national trainer. You'll not only see Jeff explain and demonstrate strategies from Singapore to enhance your math instruction and students' math learning in grades K-6, you’ll have opportunities to engage in the seminar activities yourself. | $89.00 - $169.00 | Product Details |
Strengthening Students’ Writing Skills While Decreasing Grading Time, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OWSC] How to decrease grading time. Best strategies for English/language arts teachers. How to improve students’ writing skills. Improve students’ writing. Using AI in students’ writing. Backed by experience and research. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Strengthening the Executive Function Skills of Students with Special Needs, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OXFP] Executive functions enable students to manage their time and work effort, engage in appropriate behaviors and thrive as learners: critical skills for academic success. In this course you’ll see a wealth of strategies and techniques for addressing executive function difficulties that prevent students with special needs from being prepared and ready learn to across a range of classroom settings, grades K-12. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Strengthening Your Students' Writing Skills by Teaching Smarter, Not Harder, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OWTL] This video-based online course features experienced English teacher Mary Ellen Ledbetter as she works with middle and high school students. She demonstrates a variety of practical and manageable strategies that help students extend and revise their writing, improve their grammar and writing mechanics, and increase the sophistication and style of their written work. All English/language arts educators – whether first-year teachers or veteran instructors – will find new, time-efficient strategies they can immediately implement in their own classrooms to improve their students’ writing. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using a Six-Trait Model to Extend Students Writing, Grades K-2 - Online Course [OWSB] In this course you'll observe children in grades K-2 classrooms in the spring of the year as teachers support and scaffold their writing development using the six traits of effective writing. These young authors began writing on the very first day of school and have been participating every day in writing workshop and six trait writing activities and lessons. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using a Six-Trait Model to Launch Students as Writers, Grades K-2 - Online Course [OWLB] In this course you'll see teachers guiding primary-grade students' writing (and drawing) at the very beginning of the school year. The instructional focus is on three foundational writing traits: ideas, organization and conventions | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Guided Math to Strengthen Students' Math Learning, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [OMGI] Guided math is a versatile instructional strategy that works well with all math programs. In this video based course, you'll see experienced intermediate grade teachers provide explanations, models, and practical strategies for implementing small group guided math lessons to strengthen students' mathematical understanding and deepen their mathematical thinking. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Guided Math to Strengthen Students' Math Learning, Grades K-2 - Online Course [OMGP] This video-based professional development course demonstrates how to implement guided math as an effective way to address the diverse needs of primary students and increase their understanding and proficiency in math. Guided math is a technique, not a curriculum. Teachers use guided math groups to enhance existing math materials and programs. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Guided Reading to Strengthen Students' Reading Skills at the Developing Level, Grades 1-3 - Online Course [ORG2] Growing literacy learners need a guided reading format that addresses their increasing capability and capacity for reading independence. In this online course two outstanding teachers and guided reading practitioners provide models, explanations, and suggestions for moving students from emergent level reading instruction into guided reading lessons and activities more appropriate to young, developing literacy learners | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Guided Reading to Strengthen Students' Reading Skills at the Fluent Level, Grades 1-3 - Online Course [ORG3] As children progress to near-fluent and fluent levels of literacy, they continue to reap great benefits from the structure and support that guided reading provides. In this course, you'll see how young readers are able to strengthen their fluency, comprehension, and higher-level thinking skills over a wide variety of text, both fiction and nonfiction in small, flexible guided reading groups. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Guided Reading to Strengthen Students’ Reading Skills, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [ORGS] In this course you will see experienced intermediate grade level teachers working with guided reading groups to increase students' literacy growth and deepen their understanding of text. You'll see how guided reading uniquely combines the critical attributes of small group instruction and one-on-one coaching to move students forward as readers. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Practical Differentiation Strategies to Meet the Learning Needs of Gifted Students, Grades 2-6 - Online Course [OGDL] In this video-based online course, classroom teachers demonstrate several practical ways to differentiate instruction and learning for gifted and highly capable students within whole group, small group, and individual settings, grades 2-6. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Response to Intervention to Enhance Math Instruction for Struggling Students, Grades K-6 - Online Course [ORTM] This video-based online learning course demonstrates the power of Response to Intervention to increase the effectiveness of mathematics instruction and enhance the learning, motivation, and confidence of struggling math learners, grades K-6. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Six-Trait Mini-Lessons to Strengthen Students' Writing, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [OW6L] This outstanding course demonstrates a variety of engaging six-trait mini-lessons in intermediate classrooms. The strategies in this program will help you deepen students' understanding of the components of good writing and extend their writing skills. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using the Response to Intervention Model for Disruptive and Difficult Student Behaviors, Grades K-6 - Online Course [ORTB] This video-based online course features National Trainer Kathryn Phillips and the dedicated staff of one elementary school who demonstrate ways to address all levels of student behavior within a well developed, fully implemented Response to Intervention model, grades K-6. | $89.00 - $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Vocabulary and Writing Strategies to Enhance Math Learning, Grades 1-2 - Online Course [OMW1] The purpose of this course is to show how to lay a foundation for “writing to learn” in mathematics by developing primary students’ analytical thinking skills, increasing their math vocabulary, and engaging them in a variety of developmentally appropriate writing tasks. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Using Writing to Strengthen Your Students' Understanding of Math Concepts and Skills, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [OMW3] Third through sixth grade learners need to gain proficiency in math calculation skills, but computation is not enough to ensure math understanding. This video-based online learning course takes you into intermediate grade classrooms to watch teachers engage students in thinking, talking and writing to help them analyze, process, and articulate new mathematical learning. | $169.00 | Product Details |