Name | Price | |
Improving Your Students' Descriptive Writing, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OWDL] In this video-based online course, experienced national presenter and English teacher Mary Ellen Ledbetter demonstrates, with her own middle and high school students, a variety of practical and manageable strategies that help students extend and revise their writing, improve their grammar and writing mechanics, and increase the sophistication and style of their written work. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Increase All Your Students' Learning with Practical, Timesaving Work Stations, Grades Pre-K and Kindergarten - Online Course [OQCM] This on demand, online course is organized around video clips of a seminar by experienced teacher, national trainer and author Carolyn McMahon. You'll learn how to incorporate interactive, hands-on and minds-on lessons, practical work stations and a variety of resources in literacy and math designed to enhance the learning of young children in PreK and Kindergarten. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Increase and Accelerate your ELL Students’ Learning and Success in School, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OESP] This online course features Mary Peterson, an experienced classroom teacher, author and national trainer. Her expertise comes from 30+ years of working with ELL students at different levels of English-language proficiency in real classrooms all over the United States. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Increase Students’ MINDFULNESS: Strengthen Your Students’ Academic Success and Confidence While Reducing Disruptive Behaviors, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OLFX] This online course features experienced teacher and national presenter, Kristin Burke as she shares strategies and techniques to increase students’ mindfulness. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Increase Your Success as a Special Education Resource Teacher, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OXRF] This online course features experienced special education teacher, instructional specialist, and national trainer Savanna Flakes. Savanna provides dozens of ideas, strategies and teaching tools that you can choose from to maximize learning, motivation and engagement of all your students. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Increasing Students' Mastery of Addition and Subtraction Facts, Grades 1-3 - Online Course [OMAO] Taped in primary classrooms, this video-based online course demonstrates a wealth of highly engaging ways to develop young students' proficiency with addition and subtraction math facts. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Increasing Students' Mastery of Multiplication and Division Facts, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [OMMO] Intermediate grade students who have a firm grasp of math facts are better prepared for learning increasingly complex math concepts. This video-based course demonstrates a variety of highly engaging ways to develop upper elementary students' proficiency with multiplication and division math facts. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Innovative, New Activities for Strengthening Your Physical Education Program, Grades K-8 - Online Course [OPSS] This online course is organized around video clips of a seminar by experienced physical education teacher, national trainer and author Dennis Stands. You'll learn innovative activities and practical tips
for strengthening and energizing PE programs, grades K-8. | $89.00 - $169.00 | Product Details |
Instructional Strategies for Guided Reading that Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [ORGH] This video-based online course includes demonstrations of six powerful instructional strategies that are ideally suited to guided reading in grades 3-6. These strategies focus students’ attention on key concepts, important details, and underlying themes in text. Some of the strategies can be used by students in their independent reading; some are designed to help teachers enrich students’ encounters with challenging text. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Integrate Your SLP Interventions into Classrooms Using Timesaving Strategies to Move from a Caseload to a Workload Approach, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OXSO] The purpose of this course is to expand your professional repertoire with proven, easy-to-implement options that support best practices for school-based SLPs and take into account the time, budgetary and instructional constraints in today’s busy schools. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Interactive Vocabulary Strategies That Boost Student Learning and Achievement, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OVDB] Directly teaching vocabulary improves reading comprehension and increases subject area achievement. This course takes you inside classrooms, grades 6-12, where teachers are using highly engaging instructional strategies to help students commit vocabulary to long-term memory and deepen their understanding of course content. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Keys to Enhancing Your Effectiveness as a School Nurse, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OXN7] This online course features Vickie Beckwith, an outstanding school nurse with over 20 years of experience, as well as a national trainer. Throughout the course Vickie shares tips, techniques and resources to maximize your time as a school nurse. | $169.00 | Product Details |
MAKERSPACES: Creating Motivating, Engaging Work Spaces for Your Library, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OBMX] This online course features award-winning librarian and national presenter, Tricia Kuon, as she defines, explains and demonstrates Makerspaces. | $89.00 - $169.00 | Product Details |
Maximizing the Active Participation and Language Learning of ELL Students Using Read Aloud, Shared Reading and Word Work, Grades K-5 - Online Course [OEVB] This high-energy course demonstrates how to enhance the language and literacy growth of English language learners within whole group lessons and activities. Teachers demonstrate how to increase the participation of second language learners and infuse whole class literacy lessons with visual, tactile and kinesthetic strategies that engage all students. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Maximizing the Benefits of Literacy Centers: Meaningful Activities that Boost Reading and Writing, Grades K-3 - Online Course [ORCH] In this course, you will see a wealth of activities and ideas "in action" within K-3 classrooms. Literacy center expert Linda Holliman explains and demonstrates practical ways to manage center work and greatly increase the value of students' independent literacy time. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Meaningful Independent Literacy Centers and Activities to Keep Students Learning While You Teach Reading Groups, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [ORSD] This online course takes viewers inside three schools where intermediate students are actively engaged in a wide variety of independent literacy-building activities as part of a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction. Far from "busy work," meaningful centers and assignments are ideally suited to learners in grades three through six. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Motivating the Unmotivated: Teaching the Hard-to-Reach Student, Grades 3-12 - Online Curse [OLUZ] Increase classroom engagement. Motivate your students. Improve student learning. Build relationships with students. Backed by experience and research. | $169.00 | Product Details |
Motivation, Mindset and Grit: Practical, Proven Strategies to Increase Learning, Grades K-12 - Online Course [OLMW] This online course is organized around video clips of a seminar by experienced educator, consultant, and national trainer Catherine Wilson. You will learn dozens of practical ways to address the challenges of working with a diverse range of students and how you can help them achieve greater motivation, grit, determination, and perseverance. | $89.00 - $169.00 | Product Details |
Practical Behavior Management Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OIBB] In this On Demand Online course you will see a variety of strategies that can be used with both whole groups of students to create positive classroom routines and procedures, as well as techniques to address specific behavioral issues of individual students. | $89.00 - $169.00 | Product Details |
Practical Classroom Strategies for Making Inclusion More Successful, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OXIK] This online course features National Trainer Sonya Heineman Kunkel and a group of highly-skilled secondary teachers who demonstrate a number of effective strategies for enhancing the learning of students with special needs in inclusive classroom settings. | $169.00 | Product Details |