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Displaying 21-40 of 97
Dealing Effectively with Disruptive Students: Practical, Proven Techniques, Grades K-12 - Online Course [ODD1]

This online course features Mike Dreiblatt, an experienced teacher, principal, and educational consultant. The course addresses a key element of disruptive behavior.

$89.00 - $169.00Product Details
Decrease Attention-Getting and Tantrum Behaviors: Practical Solutions, Grades PK-2 - Online Course [ODCR]

This online course features experienced Behavior Intervention Specialist, Lisa Rogers. The course focuses on strategies and research on how to decrease attention-getting and tantrum behaviors in preschool through second-grade classrooms.

$89.00 - $169.00Product Details
Develop Growth Mindset in Mathematics to Increase Students' Perseverance, Engagement and Success, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OMMD]

This online course features award-winning math teacher and national presenter, Ryan Doetch. The course focuses on research-based and classroom-proven strategies to enhance your students’ learning through developing a growth mindset.

$169.00Product Details
Developing Core Math Problem-Solving Strategies, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [OMDO]

This course focuses on strengthening grade 3-6 students' use of tables, patterns, pictures, and diagrams as problem-solving tools. You'll learn the characteristics of effective problem solving instruction. All of the ideas, lessons and strategies in this course are designed to be implemented as part of an effective intermediate-level mathematics program.

$169.00Product Details
Differentiated Instruction: Increasing Student Success While Decreasing Teacher Prep Time, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OTD7]

Strategies for differentiated instruction. How to differentiate lessons. How to reduce teacher prep time. How to increase student success. Best strategies for student engagement. Backed by experience and research.

$169.00Product Details
DYSLEXIA - Help Children Who Struggle to Successfully Read, Write and Spell, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OHDW]

This online course features special education teacher, author and national trainer Mark Weakland as he shares strategies and techniques to help students who present as dyslexic.

$89.00 - $169.00Product Details
Dyslexia: Best Strategies to Increase Student Success, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OHD1]

Best strategies for dyslexia. How to better support students with dyslexia. Increase student success. Help students gain reading fluency. Backed by experience and research.

$169.00Product Details
Dyslexia: Best Targeted Interventions for Greater Literacy Success, Grades K-6 - Online Curse [OHDZ]

How to better support students with dyslexia. Best targeted interventions for greater literacy success. Help students gain reading fluency. Backed by experience and research.

$169.00Product Details
Early Intervention Strategies for Students Struggling with Reading Accuracy and Fluency, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORIW]

Early intervention focused on foundational reading skills is vital to the development of struggling readers in grades K-2. In this online learning course, teachers demonstrate small-group intervention strategies and techniques for improving reading accuracy and fluency — two key attributes of proficient readers. You will see a wealth of strategies that can easily be implemented in any approach to reading instruction to help students meet grade level reading standards.

$169.00Product Details
Early Intervention Strategies for Students Struggling with Reading Comprehension, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORIC]

This online learning course focuses on practical, easy-to-implement intervention strategies for strengthening children's understanding of what they are reading – all in the highly supportive context of small group instruction. Filmed in primary grade classrooms, students will see teachers demonstrate strategies ideal for increasing the comprehension of struggling readers in any approach to reading instruction.

$169.00Product Details
Enhancing SPANISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION: Practical Activities to Strengthen Your Students’ Proficiency in SPANISH, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OFSY]

This online course features experienced Spanish-language teacher and national presenter, Diego Ojeda. Diego presents this course by demonstrating and modeling teaching strategies in Spanish.

$169.00Product Details
Expanding Students' Repertoire of Math Problem-Solving Strategies, Grades 3-6 - Online Course [OMRO]

In this course, you'll observe many ways to engage intermediate grade level students in developing more sophisticated problem-solving strategies. As students encounter open-ended problems, they must learn to select the most appropriate problem-solving strategies. You'll see how to help students use their complete repertoire of skills and strategies to solve interesting and engaging problems.

$169.00Product Details
Facilitating the Classroom Learning of Students with Asperger Syndrome and High-Function Autism, Grades K-6 - Online Course [OXAL]

In this online learning course, teachers in inclusive classrooms demonstrate practical, innovative ways to successfully strengthen the engagement and learning of students on the autism spectrum.

$169.00Product Details
Guided Reading: DIFFERENTIATING Using Small Group Instruction, Grades K-2 - Online Course [ORGZ]

This online course features literacy coach and national reading expert, Judy Lynch as she shares strategies to differentiate guiding reading during small group instruction.

$169.00Product Details
Help Young Children with Developmental Delays and Challenging Behaviors, Grades Preschool – Kindergarten - Online Curse [OXQY]

Early intervention strategies for young children. How to support students with developmental delays. Strategies to address challenging behaviors. Backed by experience and research.

$169.00Product Details
Help Your Students Master the Next Generation Science Standards: Practical Strategies and the Best, New Tools, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OCNM]

In this highly engaging video-based Online course, you’ll learn a wealth of effective ways to help your students master the rigorous science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts incorporated in the Next Generation Science Standards.

$169.00Product Details
Help Your Students Who Struggle with Mathematics: Practical, Successful Strategies, Grades 6-12 - Online Course [OMHF]

This online course features experienced math teacher and national trainer, Brad Fulton as he shares strategies, techniques and tools to help your students who are struggling with math.

$89.00 - $169.00Product Details
Helping English Language Learners Exit Your ELL Program, Grades K-8 - Online Course [OEEH]

This course takes an approach of asking who, what, how and why regarding accelerating students' English language acquisition and successfully exiting EL program.

$169.00Product Details
Helping Your Struggling Readers Become More Successful Readers: Targeted Interventions that Work! Grades K-5 - Online Course [OHIL]

This online course features reading specialist and national presenter Kristen Large as she shares targeted intervention strategies to help struggling readers. The course includes the following topics: assessing students, early literacy, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency.

$169.00Product Details
Improving the Behavior of Attention-Seeking, Manipulative and Challenging Students, Grades 1-12 - Online Course [ODCJ]

This online course features Cindy Jones, behavior specialist, experienced special education teacher, former principal and national presenter. Cindy is passionate about finding creative approaches to working with students with sever behavior problems to improve learning outcomes and provide classroom support to all students.

$89.00 - $169.00Product Details