Keys to Enhancing Your Effectiveness as a School Nurse, Grades K-12

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

This online course features Vickie Beckwith, an outstanding school nurse with over 20 years of experience, as well as a national trainer. Throughout the course Vickie shares tips, techniques and resources to maximize your time as a school nurse. Vickie goes over the importance of emergency preparedness and offers training materials so you and your staff can be prepared for various medical emergencies. Additionally, this course focuses on how effectively and efficiently manage chronic health conditions in school settings. A large focus of this course is on how to best serve students with mental health needs. Vickie focuses on how to increase your effectiveness when addressing difficult topics like depression and bullying. Lastly, the course offers simple techniques to enrich your communication and better reach and care for students in your school.

You will learn how to:

  • Maximize your time as a school nurse while still providing comprehensive care to all students
  • Integrate evidence-based practice into your school nursing practice
  • Improve your efficiency in managing chronic health conditions
  • Update health care plans for chronic conditions using provided templates to fast track your IHP's, 504's, and emergency care plans
  • Educate students and school staff to be better prepared for various medical emergencies
  • Recognize risk factors and warning signs of mental health disorders and how to best respond to students going through a mental health crisis
  • Enhance your communication to better reach and care for all students
  • Deal with angry parents, difficult staff and unrealistic expectations

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDUU 9972

Optional School Nurse RN/LPN Contact Hours

BER is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP 15144, to offer four (4) Contact Hours for RNs and LPNs.
California Board of Registered Nursing Logo

*APRNs in all states need to check with their credentialing agency to determine if this course meets the additional CEU requirements for their specialty area.

Click here for more information.


"Course was very informative!  The information covered many of the daily challenges of school nursing and effective ways to navigate through them."

              - K. Maynard

"I thought this course was fantastic!  The topics are wonderful and the length of time on each is appropriate.  Content was tailored and applicable to all regardless of years in the profession.  I walked away with ideas and goals on how I can improve.  I would take another class in a heartbeat! "

              - L. Kazemi

"The instructor shared much useful information to implement in my daily practice.  Lots of helpful forms and resources for chronic conditions will be used moving forward.  Things to consider in emergencies/disasters were presented."

              - M. Psaros

"I truly enjoyed listening to the personal experiences and how Vickie Beckwith responded to certain circumstances. This helps to see how others in your profession respond to certain issues and makes you feel less isolated (for example-dealing with an upset parent). The activities assisted in understanding concepts. Thank you so much!"

              - J. Colley

"I enjoyed the course as a whole. I really enjoyed hearing about the motivational interviewing. This is something I need to work on more  and have the confidence to use these strategies."

              - A. Hanson


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