Dealing Effectively with Disruptive Students: Practical, Proven Techniques, Grades K-12

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

This online course features Mike Dreiblatt, an experienced teacher, principal, and educational consultant. The course is divided into three modules, each of which addresses a key element of disruptive behavior. In the first module, Mike provides strategies for preventing disruptive behavior, focusing on proactive classroom management and building positive relationships with students. The course continues with strategies for responding to disruptive behavior, and Mike demonstrates best practices for dealing with disruptive students. The final module concentrates on reducing recurring disruptive behavior. Supplementary print and digital resources are included.

You will learn how to:

  • Build positive relationships with students
  • Organize your classroom to better manage disruptive behavior
  • Intervene and respond to disruptive behavior
  • Administer effective consequences to disruptive students
  • Facilitate emotional self-regulation by your students
  • Assess disruptive behavior to reduce recurring incidents

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How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDDU 9788


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