Instructional Strategies for Guided Reading that Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension, Grades 3-6

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

Within guided reading lessons teachers are able to help intermediate grade students learn and apply new skills and strategies and think about text in new ways – all in the highly supportive context of small group instruction. The strategies that are demonstrated in this course are intended to expand teachers’ instructional repertoire, generate discussion/sharing of additional appropriate strategies, and, when applied to students' own reading, boost their comprehension of text.

You will learn how to:

  • Make optimum use of word sorts, anticipation guides and other powerful reading comprehension
    tools to boost students’ understanding of what they read
  • Transition students’ reflection and discussion from lower-level recall into higher levels of thought
  • Maximize the value of lesson introductions by activating prior knowledge and helping students construct connections to the upcoming text
  • Challenge students to think about text in new ways
  • Engage students in meaningful interactions with text before, during and after small group reading instruction

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDLU 9825


"I really liked that there were real teachers with real classes  teaching real lessons rather than a power point to explain!  Makes it SO much better to view  and learn from!"

              - A. Britton

"Great strategies and very helpful to see how they are done  and how they help the students."

              - D. Tanzy

"My favorite and most applicable parts of the learning were the good reader strategies  key word strategies  and the word sorts. Seeing how those applied will make it easier to implement in my own classroom."

              - J. Ricks

"This course gave me excellent pointers and resources to enhance my career.  This course is helpful for any course that you teach."

              - Q. McLean


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