Enhancing Explicit Comprehension Instruction, Grades 3-6

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

This video-based, On Demand Online course demonstrates a research‑based, classroom-proven framework for teaching reading comprehension processes and strategies to students in the intermediate grades. You'll see teachers artfully combining whole groups and small groups, explicit instruction and independent practice to improve the reading comprehension of all their students, grades 3-6. This course provides a wealth of opportunities to see teachers demonstrate key attributes of good instruction across different grade levels, different comprehension strategies and different types of text.

This course is designed to familiarize intermediate-grade educators with a powerful model for teaching reading comprehension. Featuring video clips filmed in intermediate-grade classrooms, this course highlights essential components of explicit comprehension instruction, including how to effectively introduce and review comprehension processes and strategies with the entire class; techniques for helping students apply specific strategies to instructional-level text while engaging the rest of the class in meaningful, independent comprehension practice; and, finally, you'll see strategies that encourage students to think more deeply about their own reading skills and how well they support their understandings of text.

You will learn how to:

  • Implement a research-based instructional model for the explicit, effective teaching of comprehension processes
  • Maximize the benefits of whole group and small group instruction and independent literacy work
  • Combine interactive modeling and active student engagement strategies to guide and deepen students' thinking about text
  • Ensure that all students are able to apply a broad range of comprehension strategies as they read

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDLU 9660


"I like the real classroom settings that show the strategies at work!!"

              - C. Dest

"I am very excited that the book list is included for books used in the video  as I wanted to try the one with my students and wasn't sure what it was without the list!"

              - A. Philip

"Very informative how students can use strategies to became better readers"

              - C. Trinidad

"There are some easy tweaks that I can make to my reading program to help my students become better readers. I also really liked seeing both primary and intermediate levels in action. Finally I appreciate the fact that classroom management was addressed so that kids are involved in meaningful work while the teacher is working with small groups."

              - K. Larson


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