A Practical Approach to Management and Discipline: Strategies for Dealing with Challenging and Difficult Students, Grades 3-6

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

This video-based professional development course demonstrates practical, classroom-tested strategies for addressing the misbehaviors of difficult students and de-escalating potentially volatile situations. You'll also see how to apply these same strategies in conferences to help noncompliant intermediate grade students take responsibility for their actions.

Even in well-managed classrooms, intermediate grade teachers may need to contend with students who act out and are disruptive. In this course, you’ll see teachers demonstrate strategies for dealing with misbehaviors ranging from students who act out for attention to those motivated by power or revenge. You’ll see a variety of techniques for staying out of power struggles with challenging students, both in the classroom and during student conferencing.

You will learn how to:

  • Implement highly effective intervention strategies that really work with difficult, challenging students
  • Calmly avoid being drawn into power struggles while maintaining classroom control
  • De-escalate interactions with upset and angry students
  • Conduct productive problem-solving conferences with challenging, noncompliant students

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDCU 9058


"This course was designed very well and was pertinent to classroom situations. I could use the strategies in my classroom as I was going through the course. Being able to print the action plan and refer to it was key for me."
              – E. Hirtle

"I really enjoyed this class as a whole. I feel that these are begining to work in my classroom and the kids are starting to react to some of these languages as a whole."
              – R. Tonnesen

"I found this course to be very helpful in presenting new ideas, and reaffirming standards already in place in my classroom."
              – R. Horton

"I learned so many great strategies for helping my students to be more productive. Thank you"
              – M. Schmidt

"This provided some key points that, with regular practice, will help reduce confrontations in the classroom and help create a positive atmosphere. The video examples were very helpful."
              – S. Hall

"The information was delivered in an extremely organized format.  Excellent information that can be easily implemented and understood.  These strategies will greatly enhance the learning environment in the classroom."
              – R. Burton

"I really thought that the example videos showing students who are typical in a classroom setting and how they responded to interventions was very beneficial to making this course easy to follow."
               – S. Brooks


System Requirements
