Comprehension Strategies That Help Your Struggling Students Be More Successful Readers, Grades 2-5

Online Course

Course Objective/Goals

In this on demand, video-based course, Linda Hoyt, a recognized expert in the field of reading, demonstrates outstanding comprehension strategies with groups of children, grades 2-5. The strategies are helpful to all readers, but they are especially useful to readers who struggle to construct meaning from text. These strategies give children a set of useful tools that enable them to approach printed material with increased competence and confidence. These techniques are easily incorporated into existing reading programs.

All young readers benefit from good comprehension strategies, and struggling readers benefit most of all. While some readers interact with text easily- grasping main ideas and dealing with difficult words, struggling readers often need specific strategies that will help them predict, self-monitor, summarize and cope with complex material. The purpose of this online course is to demonstrate ten practical strategies and techniques that will enhance the reading comprehension of students in grades 2-5.

You will learn how to:

  • teach your struggling readers powerful comprehension strategies that will help them work through printed text with deeper understanding
  • strengthen struggling students' ability to predict and summarize
  • increase children's recognition of key words and ideas
  • help young readers monitor their understanding of what they are reading with greater accuracy and confidence
  • help your students go beyond recall to true comprehension of text
  • promote the transfer of comprehension strategies into individual reading for even your most reluctant readers

Watch an excerpt from this course:

How This On Demand Course Works

Optional Graduate Credit

EDEU 9397


"This course gave me practical strategies that I can incorporate into my reading program quite easily. Very informative!"
              - T. Wilkinson

"I appreciate that the strategies presented are strategies that can be implemented right away. The strategies are engaging  and can be used in buddy reading or guided reading groups. The most important take away from the strategies presented is they empower students to share and be in charge of their learning."
              - H. Ball

"It was extremely helpful to see the strategies in action in the classroom.  Thorough explanations were given so I could understand the strategies. The resources were helpful to support my learning. "
              - K. Lekas

"What a great course! Your videos are set up and organized so nicely. It is all very user-friendly and the information is so valuable. It motivates me to get in my classroom right away and try the new things I've learned. Thank you for creating wonderful  useful courses! "
              - C. Benfield

"Very useful strategies that are beneficial to students and require little teacher preparation."
              - K. King


System Requirements
